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PDA for ADHD mind

PDA for ADHD mind2009-11-30T22:37:42+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments PDA for ADHD mind

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    Post count: 25

    I have to say, I think a PDA is a very cool tool for the ADHD mind. But I realized that I have been resisting using a PDA for two reasons—First, if I lose it, I will have lost everything about myself! And second, I don’t want to become one of those jerks who are addicted to their cell phone and constantly having it go off while you’re talking to them, or they’re speaking really loudly in an elevator and it’s a conversation I really don’t want to hear. I guess if I’m aware of all that, I can use a smart phone and not become a jerk about it.


    Post count: 14413

    I need to use a smart but that special tool needes to be connect easily to every access important for my work

    and the most important it needs to be not only in my purse or pocket it needs to be securely attached to me with a little chain or something to really be a part of me otherwise I will lose it.

    If it is really a substitut for a part of my brain it needs to be a part of me!


    Post count: 44

    My iPod touch has been amazing. I sync my calendar to it, my school has free wireless everywhere so I can use it to keep track of emails and such, and I have a bunch of study tools on it (flashcards, etc. – I’m training for an allied health field) so if I forget to bring a particular textbook, it’s often not a big deal (or I can browse the web to find the information I need).


    Post count: 2

    Simplicity… A long long time ago, I used to carried my cell phone in front left pocket, my keys on front right pocket and my wallet on one of the two rear pockets of my pants. It was a challenge to keep track of all of these items, especially because I kept way to many keys, receipts, business card, credit cards… you name it. During a taxis ride, when calling a client or friend, I needed to take out my phone directory (aka. wallet, since putting phone contacts on ordinary phone was such a pain). Taking the wallet out of my pocket brought a relieve to my behind since the wallet and the keys became so uncomfortable to keep on me all the time. When I reach my destination, I would feel odd for a few minutes, to later realize that my wallet or my phone was still in the cab! It happened at least three times and another half of dozen times at the movies, work, or restaurants.

    I ended up getting a Palm Treo four years ago. It was a good step since I kept it on my belt with a clip holster, as viv suggested; although the wallet and keys were still a problem. When I upgraded to the iPhone, which is slimmer, I ended up still using the same holster of the Treo; and with the added space, a friend (who knew of my issues) suggested that I reduce the size of my wallet and carry it with iPhone on this holster! I managed to simplify my wallet to only contain my license, three debit/CC, insurance id, transit pass and a few tri-folded dollar bills within what is normally the picture insert of the wallet. It fit perfectly! I have not lost my wallet or phone once for two years. My iPhone contains all my essential info such as library id number, frequent flier #, contacts, schedule, music, audio books, etc… I also reduced the number of keys I carry in my pocket and place a medicine case holder on the key ring.

    Now, if only I could figure out what to do with my eyeglass; they have gone m.i.a. a few days ago for the fourth time since i got them this summer. It’s yet another item to keep track of….


    Post count: 14413

    I mainly work the night shift, and when I am heading out I would be so tired I might forget something. Before I would head to work I would print up a list of what I needed to take with me, and when I was about to leave I would have a friend or relative read the check list and ensure I had everything I needed. This was not a day to day routine, just when I was going on a trip or something. Also, I would always lose my watch, I never could keep track of one. Then one day the strap on the watch I had broke and I slipped it into my wallet. The watch has stopped working, but I still have it. I know, I have to get a new watch, but it is nice to know I won`t lose the next one.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m absolutely loving my Nokia E71 for organization. I especially like the tactile response from having an actual keypad. Just a personal preference. I think the most useful feature (aside from the calender) is the ability to save notes on it that sit behind an icon on the main screen.


    Post count: 14413

    I originally thought about using a Palm type device to jot stuff down but found that (a) I never used (b) I downloaded games to it (c) It was good for about 10 min then I’d end up just writing it down on a piece of paper and then promptly losing, misplacing or just plain forgot about it.

    Since I already use a blackberry, I record voice notes to myself. It’s easier, faster and only lose my BB occasionally ;0)


    Post count: 14413

    Oh man, I’m totally forgot my BB had a voice recorder. Good thing I wrote it down


    Post count: 14413

    I used to LOVE my PALM!! I miss it!!!! But Palm technology kinda died and I’m left with a blackberry pearl which I’m not loving so much. I don’t like it combined with a phone. I like them separate. AND with long nails…… it’s a NIGHTMARE… with the Palm stylus, I had no troubles.

    I miss my to-do list and my alarms that reminded me what/when/where/ etc…….

    What can I get to replace it?


    Post count: 14413

    Vhunter….. I have a Palm M500 I no longer use. Your welcome to it. I’ll have to find a charger that plugs into the wall…. not sure where that is as I use a Palm dock.

    Let me know if you can use it.


    Post count: 14413

    Disclaimer: I don’t work for Evernote but I’d suggest giving it a try. In my case, it’s helped a lot. Your Mileage May Vary.

    Evernote is an interesting way to keep organized and get instant access to reading and recording notes. It works with web pages; select the interesting bits and the clipping, along with the web address, is added to the index. It runs on other devices; BB, iTouch, Android. Software development through its API program have allowed third-parties like Nokia and Lexmark to send stuff right to your Evernote. A special lens attachment is available for the iPhone, designed to capture notes via the camera. Evernote stores photos from a file or the PDA camera and builds a search index based on Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This is great for snapping a photo of a receipt, wine label, or a business card, things I am prone to forgetting or misplacing. Any image, text, or PDF is stored and indexed, so organizing paperwork is easy. Even voice notes.

    While you don’t need a PDA to use Evernote, quick access to all your notes can be pretty helpful. Nevertheless, with only a desktop/notebook PC or Mac, it sure beats notepads, stickies, etc. which are often misplaced and are difficult to search through (esp. with my handwriting — atrocious!). Evernote is also good for making checklists. A basic account is free up to a certain amount of Megabytes per month. Check it out http://www.evernote.com


    Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
    Post count: 473

    Hey, Vhunter, you said Palm technology died, but I got a palm Centro the week that their new model came out. It was regular $350 but I got it for 150 bucks.

    It has far more features than I’m using, at least so far. I hate shopping and am willing to buy the first thing just to get it over with but I’ve learned from my wife to make a game out of it, ask lots of questions and find a sales person who actually knows what they are talking about. They love being asked questions.


    Post count: 121

    I have an iPhone and with all the apps that are available it’s perfect for me. You can get apps like Dragon that allows the use of voice commands. And there are a lot of productivity, time tracking apps, etc. I have my guided meditation lessons on it too. Every day I find some new app that helps me with my ADHD issues. I also found some apps that help train short term memory. With the iPhone’s ability to sync with my laptop, I can organize my calenders easily. At first I thought I’d never really use all the capabilities fully, but I’ve decided it’s worth it now. I am, by no means, a techno-junkie, but I now depend it a lot.


    Post count: 14413

    ADDled: can you share with apps are helping you with your ADHD issues?


    Post count: 14413

    I’m upgrading my phone, to an Iphone. I would like to know what apps people are using most. I find in my line of work I might forget sometimes a thing or to. But in my line of work I’ve trained my brain over the years to become a better strong point in memory. But I feel there are tools that might really help. please share

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