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February 26, 2010 at 11:33 pm #88259
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 26, 2010 at 11:33 pmPost count: 14413Oh geez…I’m moving on Monday (I think). I’m trying to get myself and my 12 yr old motivated to get everything packed. Of course not everything got unpacked the last time we moved, so its not as daunting as it could be. However, I don’t have a moving truck booked (cause you need a credit card and mine was overloaded months ago), have no one to help me (not the first time that’s happened), and still haven’t found out if the social agency that was supposed to help me out with the financial aspect is going to help. I suppose its no wonder I have a chronic headache and feel paralyzed right now. If this was say the 5th time in my adult life I’m moving it wouldn’t be so bad, but this is approximately the 35th time I’ve moved as an adult. I was diagnosed with ADD in 2006, went on meds, but have had no behavioral modification, therapy or anything since then and life just continues on this miserable path.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 27, 2010 at 6:02 pm #92852
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 27, 2010 at 6:02 pmPost count: 14413Hi Debbie
I was Diagnosed as well in December of 2006 with ADHD, I just finished reading your Blog, wow I can relate to something’s, I encourage you to seek somebody professional that deals with adult ADD. Or your should look at your local Chapters book store for some sort of information. I was in counselling for apprx 2 years. You need TOOLS in your life a WILL that wants to change, there is a light at he end of the tunnel Debbie. This sight has lots of great things on it.
I’m not going to tell you I feel life is now 100% for me cause I still am in the learning stage of my life, But I am going to tell you things are a lot more settled and life is a little more straight, and I am not getting caught up in the Tornadoes of life that I have fell into so often.
Credit and Money have not been one of my greatest strengths I don’t mean making it…that was easy. Spending verus saving. I was a spender, it pretty much consumed my life of my mis management of what was coming in to what was going out. However I am not like that today because I found tools such as Counselling and books and a willingness to want to change.
There are people right in your area with the know how to help you, I know you can find help the right kind of help. It a challenge and its going to be bumpy but those things you find most frustrating about who you are is something you can over come with a willingness to change.
Cheering on your gifts to Rise!!!
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 28, 2010 at 12:33 am #92853
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 28, 2010 at 12:33 amPost count: 14413Hi Brian
Thank you so much for your reply, you’re right too, I desperately need counselling. I drive by a Psychologists office almost on a daily basis and his sign actually states that he works with adult ADD/HD’ers. Once I actually get moved into my new home I’m going to call them – and I mean to do that in the next week (once my phone is hooked up!)
I do have two books by Dr Ed Hallowell. I’ve gotten through Driven to Distraction, but have only glanced at Delivered from Distration. I’m hoping that I can force myself to get settled fairly quickly so I can work on all the other stuff that’s clouding my life.
Again, thanks a lot for the encouragement. Its very much appreciated!
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 28, 2010 at 5:46 am #92854Hello DebbieEhm and Brian…since Brain agreed with me on a earlier forum I would have to agree with him on his post. I have a life coach I use and I’m able to work through what it is that I’m feeling. Counseling isn’t the only aspect of what it is that you need to do but surrounding yourself around good positive supportive people is essential to feeling good otherwise we can tair ourselves apart (I’m such a bad speller and my vocabulary suffers because of it) quite easily. I have great friends and a wonderful husband who supports me.
Brain, Brain…boy do I hear you on the money…I can make it quickly and I can spend it just as fast…drives me crazy and everyone else around me. I don’t trust myself and now I’ve been labeled implusive money spender and I hate it because I feel that know matter what I try to do to change my attitude towards money I get shot down everytime…it is almost like they are all waiting for me to screw up. I’m pretty stuborn but I tend to screw up with money more then anything else in my life. I wish there was a forum just on money alone. I’m trying out a new strategy (very darn good at problem solving-implementing a little different) and that is I calculated what I had to have in the bank to pay bills fixed expenses and some options (hair cut etc) as well as savings for the futher and any trips. I then calculated what out of pocket or cash I used during the week and figured out what I would need everyday and I came up with an equal amount from Monday to Thursday and realized Friday and Saturday I spend usually more so more money goes into those days. When I’m out of cash that is it; however, if I have any extra money it goes into my 8th envelope which I call the “bonus” envelop I’m opening a tax free savings account for the savings and and my bonus envelop.
So today I had $50 and I only used $20 get $30 into bonus…
obviously I don’t have a life on Saturday but I spent all my money on Friday and I had to go into my bonus envelope – didn’t like that. Do i know if this is going to work…it has been 8 days and so far so good…so i’ll go until I come up with something better or it doesn’t do what it needs to…I not someone who sabatoges myself so I know that it will really have to be that it doesn’t work for me. I would really like to figure out why i’m so impulsive. I have to work really hard at not spending money…i do want to save…honestly.
I’m hoping that works for you and Debbie get that phone hooked up and get your life to where it needs to be because you will feel much better about everything.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 9, 2010 at 8:58 pm #92855
AnonymousInactiveJuly 9, 2010 at 8:58 pmPost count: 14413Just one piece of advice @DebbieEhm. Never ever ever EVER EVER try to do a move by yourself! I’m a single mom of two small kids. I lived in a (small) townhouse. I thought, “I don’t have that much stuff. I’ll get movers to do the big stuff and I’ll do the rest.” (I’m guessing that you are like me – past the age when pizza and beer were sufficient to pay one’s friends for moving heavy objects.) WRONG! The Stuff breeds while you’re not looking. It’s heavy in the aggregate. Even if you’re a proud minimalist, there’s more of it than you think. I had 2 years of workouts in 3 nights.
Don’t do it! Arrange barters with friends if you can. Don’t resist any offered help, take all you can get. You’re probably already moved by now, in whatever fashion, but arrrgghhh…I never want to move again!