I discovered this site a week or two ago and found out it is a gold mine of information! First and foremost, I’d like to use the opportunitu to say kuddos to every one behind it!
The information is insightfull, usefull, presented in a simple way that makes it easy to understant. I also enjoyed reading your story.. I recognise myself in so many of them..
As for myself, I do not have a formal diagnostic yet…. the jury is still out on that one. (Work in process with my GP) Hopefully, I’ll know for sure one way or another soon.
In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone knows if the film ADD and loving it can be bought on DVD… I watched it online and would love to have a hard copy. (And if it can be bought.. where? ) . I took a chance and ask cbc directly.. but they sent me back here for more info…. so, anyone has an idea?
Thanking you in advance, (or should I say ADDvance?)!