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March 26, 2011 at 8:58 pm #89378
I’v found that if I read out loud. Reading is easier. Does anyone else use this technique?
REPORT ABUSEMarch 26, 2011 at 11:00 pm #102693
AnonymousInactiveMarch 26, 2011 at 11:00 pmPost count: 14413I try to do that as well, but I find reading is, and always has been a problem with me. I use reading software that I can follow along with. If I use the software and follow along in a quiet spot ( like my basement “office” ) I can usually pickup most of it. If I try to read a book and it’s not some kind of answer to the universe kind of thing. I end up reading the first sentence about 30 times skip it then read the second one about 20 times then move on skim through a few sentences the then quit. Listening to the software read to me and following along works well. Even if the book is very interesting and I need to read through it, it is still a major challenge. My wife is an unbelievable reader, she reads about 2-3 books a week, she has tried to help me by giving me some coaching. It has helped a little but I think maybe I’m too old lol or something. If I have to read something important my wife will read it out loud to me. She tends to get a little frustrated though because even my listening comprehension isn’t the best. One thing, I don’t know if your like this but I can read the words at record speed, I’d say faster then most people but they just bounces off my head. Is it like that for you?
Something kind of funny: I have posted little things on facebook, like in the comment section without using the reading program. Go back and have my reading program check it an it is like reading the mistakes that people that use phones to text each other that have auto correct have to deal with. I just thought that if I’m looking for a laugh I should post a few comments on facebook, have my program read them and have a laugh at what I really posted and not what I thought I posted.
Thank goodness for my reading program and spell check, otherwise email and posting like this would be out of the question.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 26, 2011 at 11:16 pm #102694
AnonymousInactiveMarch 26, 2011 at 11:16 pmPost count: 14413One thing I forgot to add. If the book is a technical manual I have a much easier time with it. I have no idea why, other then the fact that I like technical things and learning about how they work.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 27, 2011 at 7:33 am #102695Reading out loud for me is virtually impossible. This may be due to Dyslexia or ADD or both. I have no idea, and I try to avoid it at all costs.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 27, 2011 at 4:36 pm #102696
AnonymousInactiveMarch 27, 2011 at 4:36 pmPost count: 14413i can ‘read out loud’ in my head. that helps a bit.
REPORT ABUSEif i read out loud ‘out loud’ i end up listening to the sound of my voice and forget to keep reading a bit ahead of what i’m saying and forget to keep speaking and it throws me off completely- although i apparently sound pretty good.
March 28, 2011 at 10:05 am #102697
AnonymousInactiveMarch 28, 2011 at 10:05 amPost count: 14413I used to get into trouble at school for reading out loud… The teacher could hear my whispering in the back of the class.. But I found that a really could book will keep my interest.. I found real life stories… Only twice in my life I read a book in a few days.. But I found I learn visulay can’t spell that word…. I can tell you everything about permaculture but if I had to read a book about it I wouldn’t learn very good… But It is weird to hear that this problem of reading outloud maybe it is a part of our proccessing. Clamdigger
REPORT ABUSEMarch 28, 2011 at 4:16 pm #102698
AnonymousInactiveMarch 28, 2011 at 4:16 pmPost count: 14413What Jen said would be my answer as well.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 28, 2011 at 5:20 pm #102699
AnonymousInactiveMarch 28, 2011 at 5:20 pmPost count: 14413I need the perfect environment to read… Quiet and still. I must be comfortable as well.. No exterior noise or I forget everything I read. If I remember to re-read something preferably 2 or 3 more times I often find I have missed an important word or figure that completely changes the whole context of what I was reading. DUH! They checked me for dyslexia, No problem there.
Really dopey thing I do or should say do not do is… I do not read long important docs because it would take me forever and I get frustrated… Oh great the long important docs…….. You can see the trouble that gets me into.!
When I went back to college and actually passed 2 classes it was very difficult. Only place I could study was at the school library in a conference room that was off limits tucked away in the corner that I just used. I even then would cover my ears and read aloud to myself.. When I asked librarian if it was “ok” . NO way! She would say but being an ADDer that never really stopped me. When i was in this perfect environment it was amazing what I did learn lol Pisses me off cause 35 years ago when I was in public school I remember having the same problem just it is worse now…
HOLY CRAP I just remembered when i was in shop classes I nearly failed not becasue I could not use the tools but I did crappy on all the written tests,MR MCCONNELL OR MCDONELL? F-U ,,,Duh I was always distracted by the cool tools that I new how to use but was often prevented to because I did so shitty on the safety tests in which I would always forget to answer PUT on safety goggles first!.. I wanted to go to Vot tech so badly but my mother thought i had no interest in it… That was not it at all I just was frustrated and said I hated the class which pissed my father off as he was a pipefitter and was really good with his hands….
BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT ………..If you are a parent and suspect your child has ADHD, Please have him/her tested if not for your sanity His or Hers!!!! I am not a nuclear physicist nor will I ever be, but I am learning I am really not stupid at 48 just dumb and stubborn……….
REPORT ABUSEMarch 28, 2011 at 6:11 pm #102700
AnonymousInactiveMarch 28, 2011 at 6:11 pmPost count: 14413March 29, 2011 at 10:29 am #102701
AnonymousInactiveMarch 29, 2011 at 10:29 amPost count: 14413Interesting about instructions. If they are full of pics NO problem I can usually complete the task at hand.. if there are lots of words without pics forget it. I am a little confused about this reading, concentration and comprehension issue I apparently have (and others do as well) and what I can do to manage it. As I so eloquently explained in my previous post in this thread (LOL) I need to read out loud and cover my ears to….umm…to limit distractions (I guess/think i know I have going on between my ears) so I may attempt to comprehend what I have read. Even when reading posts here I do the same sometimes. Do ADHD medications help suppress the outside distractions I have in my brain to help manage this or do I have to continue to try to create these perfect environments of peace and quiet (not very easy or convenient to do OK nearly impossible),
Great this leads me to my next issue(s)…. I need to make 20 changes to every post I type here before sending it? Not just to catch typographical errors, after all I do have spell check but more importantly I often find the thoughts I had in my head I cannot type fast enough to get them on the screen. So when I look at my post in it’s original completion form often it does not make sense. In fact quite often the content of the text of my intended message is way off. As it should be because the way it reads without correction is even confusing to me! Here we go, I then get frustrated that my message is so OFF its mark and I have to re-type it the next message will have tones of that frustration and worse be farther of the point my first original message. Now do i just accept the 21/2 hours it took me to type this brief post as normal or can medication slow down the racing thoughts in my head!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 30, 2011 at 11:43 pm #102702
AnonymousInactiveMarch 30, 2011 at 11:43 pmPost count: 14413i tell you what’d be cool- if we could reply to posts by way of a spider diagram/mind map that expressed our thoughts on the topic, instead of writing a few paragraphs (or a bajillion). they’d probably turn rapidly into utter chaos though.
clamdigger, it’s ‘vis-u-all-y’. breaking complicated words down into bits helps me a whole bunch.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 31, 2011 at 10:07 am #102703
AnonymousInactiveMarch 31, 2011 at 10:07 amPost count: 14413je-net-ic-all-y-mod-i–fied,
Interesting I break down the words into syllables like that sometimes. Do you do that out loud so everyone in the library hears you or just in your noggin? I do it out loud and understandably it really does not make me a fan favorite of that quiet zone venue.
A few questions if I may.
Why do u think it makes reading easier for you?
Are you able to control/manage this reading out loud technique as to do it in appropriate venues only or do you do it in libraries as well?
I use the out loud technique with the syllable method to drown out exterior noises and distractions. Some of which might be real jackhammer noises coming from street repair or other times it may be to just to overtake the distractions that seem to resonate and pulsate internally only in my brain. Problem for me is the in my head distractions are often a greater power than the ability to manage where and when it is appropriate to use the out loud method.
I would love to here ways I might be able to “manage” my inability to control the inner impulsive ramblings and fuzziness in my head.
Is this where the holistic approach of T and medications would be justified.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 31, 2011 at 10:21 am #102704
AnonymousInactiveMarch 31, 2011 at 10:21 amPost count: 14413je-net-ic-all-y-mod-i–fied,
Interesting I break down the words into syllables like that sometimes. Do you do that out loud so everyone in the library hears you or just in your noggin? I do it out loud and understandably it really does not make me a fan favorite of that quiet zone venue.
A few questions if I may.
Why do u think it makes reading easier for you?
Are you able to control/manage this reading out loud technique as to do it in appropriate venues only or do you do it in libraries as well?
I use the out loud technique with the syllable method to drown out exterior noises and distractions. Some of which might be real jackhammer noises coming from street repair or other times it may be to just to overtake the distractions that seem to resonate and pulsate internally only in my brain. Problem for me is the in my head distractions are often a greater power than the ability to manage where and when it is appropriate to use the out loud method.
I would love to here ways I might be able to “manage” my inability to control the inner impulsive ramblings and fuzziness in my head so that i can use the methods above in a constructive manner instead of destructive.
Is this where the holistic approach of T and medications would be justified?
REPORT ABUSEMarch 31, 2011 at 1:10 pm #102705I read slower when I read out loud. There is a good thing that comes out of reading a loud, I tend to stay with the story longer, or whatever I have to read. Silent reading, I read faster but space out more. Then there are times when I see a word and think it is that word only to discover shortly after that is not the word the author used.
My teacher taught me a method to figure out why I spaced out at that spot. Here are some questions: Am I too tired to read? Is there a reason why I spaced out? What do I get out of the space out? Take notes on time space out, thoughts that just popped into head, and some feelings about the characters. Perhaps even make a character that I can use to get me back into the story.
This works well. I find the topic changes my mood on reading. Normally, I am overwhelmed rather then tired, because I have to read the pages in a moment of time. The character works wonders too, however, my brain puts the made up character into the story and becomes one. Sometimes my feelings even have problems with reading. The whole reading a loud forces me to look at each and every word. Seeing words sometimes overwhelms me as well. Too many words not enough time. Yet, I can read up 1-3 books a week, depending on the speed it takes me to get into the story.
Happy reading
REPORT ABUSEMarch 31, 2011 at 2:29 pm #102706
AnonymousInactiveMarch 31, 2011 at 2:29 pmPost count: 14413Hi Laddybug can u please clarify some questions I have?
You said; “Silent reading, I read faster but space out more. Then there are times when I see a word and think it is that word only to discover shortly after that is not the word the author used.”
1- Can u define “spaced out”, do you mean distracted?
2- When u “see” a word and it is not the word the author used do you mean you are dyslexic?
3- When you do read out loud has anyone told you that it is annoying them if they are in the room with you?
Thanx for sharing