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June 14, 2011 at 4:01 am #89576
AnonymousInactiveJune 14, 2011 at 4:01 amPost count: 14413I’m assuming that the effects are supposed to be immediate. Not sure though? I have been on 20mg once a day for a week and I have noticed that I am a little more alert. Not quite in a usual fog……..It does surpress my appitite somewhat but not extreme. I am not sleeping well at night but I know this too is a side effect. At this point after only 1 week should I be amazed at the way I feel or is this normal for only after 1 week??
REPORT ABUSEJune 14, 2011 at 8:20 pm #103987i think the recommendation is to gauge how your symptoms are affected. For example, if you normally have difficulty with completing a certain boring task, are you able to complete it? Can you get through your paperwork or ironing, for example, without getting up ten times to find something more fun to do, or simply to get back to it after being interrupted. Sometimes it’s a subtle effect. Are conversations easier to sustain – are you able to be more articulate for example?
Only you know the symptoms that you are seeking help for so make a list and then judge to see if the meds are helping. Also have a look at the medication videos on this site, there’s one that deals with this exact topic.
REPORT ABUSEJune 15, 2011 at 2:39 am #103988
AnonymousInactiveJune 15, 2011 at 2:39 amPost count: 14413Meds have different effects to different people…
Some meds will make you feel like a different person (in a good way) which is usually an effect that although very intense at first doesn’t last …if you however monitor and test yourself while properly understanding the adhd symptoms as its been suggested you will come to realize that even though the meds may not give you the same feeling you got initially, there are stil very positive changes.
In my case, adopting the holistic method has helped me understand my symptoms and also develop skills to compensate for what the meds do not fix.
Btw, simulant based meds such as ritalin, concerta, adderall xr start to work within 15 minutes.
REPORT ABUSEJune 16, 2011 at 7:12 pm #103989I felt like you do. Im on 20mg once a day and have been for a month now. I found that I dont really notice a difference (besides decreased appetite, and insomnia which went away after a couple weeks) until I stop taking the med. I find that I am able to focus better with it, can actually follow a conversation without tuning out. For me its a subtle difference… not the big WOW LIFE IS SO CLEAR NOW effect. The more I am on it and then go off it, the more changes I discern. But they are subtle. I know when its wearing off because I become quite tired. Like I said, at first I got insomnia which I used Melatonin to help (can get from pharmacy), but now im good.
I also find it works better for me taking it every second day. One day with, one day without, one day with, one day without etc.
I was on Dexedrine before which I like better only because I found for me, everything was quiet, clear, and I was calm and focused. With Adderall, I do have the focus, but not so much the calm, clear part. Adderall does have Dexedrine in it, but it also has amphetamines salts. I like the fact I just have to take one and be done with it. I am going to talk to my Doctor about going to 40mg a day to see if I will get that calm and clearness as well. I read that studies show more than 20mg didnt really make much of a difference… But we will see.
REPORT ABUSEJune 17, 2011 at 3:55 am #103990
AnonymousInactiveJune 17, 2011 at 3:55 amPost count: 14413Nellie………thank you for posting
REPORT ABUSE…..I don’t feel I am quite there yet with what you are referring to……..Like you say……it has been very subtle and I don’t know if that is normal or not at this point after a week……..I do notice an immediate effect after taking it but only lasting for a few hours…..then it’s like I “crash” or something????……….I go back in a month to the doc and I guess I’ll just see where I’m at then
June 17, 2011 at 3:59 am #103991
AnonymousInactiveJune 17, 2011 at 3:59 amPost count: 14413John……..thank you for your post……..I agree! Meds do have different effects on ppl……..I go back to doc in a month so I am going to monitor the way I feel and let her know
REPORT ABUSE………I have noticed a subtle change and maybe that’s all I can expect???…..I feel more normal now than I have in years so I guess that’s a good thing
June 17, 2011 at 4:07 am #103992
AnonymousInactiveJune 17, 2011 at 4:07 amPost count: 14413Carrie…….You hit the nail on the head…..I expected this “WOW” factor and I’m not getting it
REPORT ABUSE………Subtle changes thus far but it’s better than the way I’ve felt for years. My husband thinks I’m crazy for getting a diagnosis this late in the game (I’m 41) but if I live another 40 years I want to feel normal and not just suffer with my ADD like I have for all these years!……..My phych thinks I’ve had this since childhood and it’s just gone undiagnosed or in my case treated as other mimicing disorders! Re: anxiety and depression!.. I have been reading the same…..seems that alot off Adders have to be bumped up from 20mg……..We will see what she says when I go back in a month
Best of luck to you
June 17, 2011 at 12:41 pm #103993just a follow-up to waiting for that “wow” effect – I was waiting for that too and tried a bunch of different meds expecting one of them would give me this . Like in that movie about the guy that starts to take a drug and suddenly he’s finished a novel and becomes a whiz at business – Limitless I think is the name?
However, now I find it is kind of a subtle thing. A couple of months ago I switched to Concerta, the only one that really didn’t work for me. The first 2 weeks seemed ok then all of sudden realized I was becoming quite anxious and couldn’t sleep. Decided to wait out the effects and see what would happen. Ultimately realized not only was I experiencing the side effects but it really did nothing for me just slightly elevate my level of focus better than without. My productivity got back to the way I used to be – loads of procrastination etc. So got a RX for ritalin ( I had tried the generic already) and it seems to be doing the trick. I think I’ll be happy with an improvement as long as I don’t have any unwanted side effects.
And survivor05, my husband thinks it’s all bunk and a “fad syndrome” but, like you I’m trying to get it together in my 40’s so the next 40 will be better!
REPORT ABUSEJune 17, 2011 at 2:54 pm #103994Nellie – I was first on Ritalin, and like you said I found all it gave me was focus, same with Ritalin SR. I was on that for a month. My husband then made the comment that “its like you PMS everyday now, not just once a month” I had noticed a difference but I thought it was my taking meds at wrong times, really it was a side effect of the Ritalin down, and it only lasts about an hour. But an hour was an hour too long for me and my poor husband! hahaha So I switched to Dex, and then Adderall. With Dex I not only get focus, but a clearness, quietness and calmness. Still trying out Adderall… But Dexedrine was my fav!
REPORT ABUSENovember 2, 2011 at 3:54 pm #103995
AnonymousInactiveNovember 2, 2011 at 3:54 pmPost count: 14413Carrie why did you move on to adderall from Dexedrine? Just for the xr simplicity? Had you tries Dexedrine slow release?
REPORT ABUSENovember 2, 2011 at 5:16 pm #103996Funny, About this post:
>>I’m assuming that the effects are supposed to be immediate. Not sure though? I have been on 20mg once a day for a week and I have noticed that I am a little more alert. Not quite in a usual fog……..It does surpress my appitite somewhat but not extreme. I am not sleeping well at night but I know this too is a side effect. At this point after only 1 week should I be amazed at the way I feel or is this normal for only after 1 week?? <<
I was doing a search and coming in to ask the SAME QUESTION!! I do get sleep now – it took a couple of days, but I do get sleep. The first 2 nights were NASTY – I kept tossing and turning and thrashing and got maybe 30 minutes in those 2 nights combined.
I’m not as sleepy during the day (I have sleep and rest issues, bording on narcolepsy in a sense) and can stay active physically and mentally into the evening now. HOWEVER, if I lose interest in a project or get interrupted, etc. – I’m still screwed as it might be hours if ever before I can wrap my head around that – there’s still NO motivation for things I NEED to do – I want to play, surf the web, work on my cars, fun stuff…… that has not changed a bit. I’m still scatterbrained and can’t organize a presentation. I’m all over the map.
REPORT ABUSENovember 3, 2011 at 9:44 am #103997
AnonymousInactiveNovember 3, 2011 at 9:44 amPost count: 14413Build I am kind of having similar issues with the Adderall. But, I’ve been told by a coworker she notices a difference. I’m calmer and actually listen better. It must be pretty subtle. I have noticed that the things I was a little OCD about before bother me more. I’m a natural straightener, but thing being cockeyed really bother me now to the point where I absolutely have to fix them. I’m not anywhere near as tired as I was before meds. I was always dragging my ass due to my horrific work schedule. (starting at 4:30 am) The worst side affect for me is the teeth grinding. At first it seemed to be at the same time every day, but now this happens sporadically throughout the day.
REPORT ABUSENovember 10, 2011 at 3:23 pm #103998I’d like to add to the OP’s original questions, since it’s very related to me as well…..
I received a nice packet of info related to ADHD from my neuro-psyc.
It was descriptions, how it’s diagnosed, symptoms, treatment options, helpful web sites, books, etc. – basically a “starter kit” of tons of info for adults with ADHD – it included a multi-page article on all the medications that have been and are being used to treat ADD. Not only what they are, how they work, what they consist of, theories, effects, side effects, dosing, and so on. At the back is a chart of all the commonly used (and not so common in some cases) meds – what, what it does, possible side effects, typical doses and so on.
In that chart it tells also the timing of the effects……
For Adderall XR generic, it states that the typical time it lasts and has effect on the symptoms (can’t recall right now how it’s worded)
ANYWAY, to get to the point finally, geesh, it says that Adderall XR (Generic) lasts typically 8-12 hours in the system as far as the length of time that it “works” for you. 8 to 12 hours?
That means that if I take it at 5am, shortly after I get up, leave the house at 6, start work at 6:30 or 7, then basically it’s gone, done working maybe before I even get home at 5?? 5pm would be 12 hours – if it lasted only 10 hours, that would be 3pm, and I’m still at work…..
Thoughts? This is from the people that know – the doctors, researchers, scientists, etc.
Further, they state that LACK of acidity in the stomach can cause it to be absorbed FASTER into the body……
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 20, 2012 at 7:14 am #103999
AnonymousInactiveFebruary 20, 2012 at 7:14 amPost count: 14413I, too, have just started the generic Adderall XR (for which the pharmacy charged me the Adderall price). And those of you in your forties should feel young as I’m in my late 60s. I did “barely adequate” as a teacher with organizing, planning lessons that “fit” in the time allotted, remembering recess, etc. Once I retired, things changed. I had more time for hobbies. And then one of our children died at the age of 28 and I REALLY started going downhill with organizing, planning, procrastinating, and losing all motivation to keep up. Partly, I rationalized that I’d suffered enough with my son dying and why should I make myself do anything I didn’t want to? WEll, of course this was a terrible idea.
But on to the meds. I was diagnosed in December, took til midJanuary to find a “specialist” that would prescribe–turned out to be a nurse with psychiatric training who looked as if she thought I was crazy to seek a diagnosis and meds now. She told me that, at my age, I’d better be careful about blood pressure or I could have a stroke. She put me on Ritalin 10mcg, but all I noticed was a headache sometimes and a pretty good crash sometimes when it wore off. And I rarely took the two a day, because I’d either forget or not be home to take it.
So my family doc put me on the generic Adderall XR and I’ve been on it two days now. The first day, I noticed a small headache, much like the Ritalin gave me, but today my stomach is bothering me a lot. I have Gerd anyway, and my ins. stopped covering Protonix, which I’ve been on for about 11 years, and I had to switch to an OTC (omeprozole) which I don’t think works as well.
So far, I’ve watched carefully but not seen any good effects from this generic Adderall. So I guess I have several questions:
1. Maybe I should have stayed with the Ritalin but a higher dose? What IS the usual dose given?
2. How long should I expect this side effect of stomach pain to last? Forever, or will it subside soon?
I, too, expected I would be transformed with the Ritalin and start sorting my “stuff,” organizing and putting stuff away, and that my house would be shipshape in no time. Big disappointment. As I said, I was on the Ritalin for a month, and even on the days when I took the two tablets (usually one at nine and one at three -IF I remembered), I didn’t notice any effect from it that I could see.
This is a long process and you know how ADHD people are about waiting!! But I’m hoping the heartburn and stomach pain I had today will NOT be with me tomorrow, as I don’t like feeling like this.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 1, 2012 at 10:28 pm #104000Similar to you…in my mid 60s. Adderall XRand Concerta, both @ 20mg seem to work equally well for me. I don’t procrastinate any more, or find excuses to put things off, I just dig in and do what I need to do. No side effects at all.
What I know from reading here is everyone is very, VERY different for needs and reactions and symptoms, so my best advice is to keep trying and log your results and/or reactions, and hopefully soon you will arrive at the right place.
good luck Jim