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I'm Not Changing !!!

I'm Not Changing !!!2011-08-02T07:43:53+00:00

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  • #89879

    Post count: 14413

    Just turned 31.

    Pretty sure that by this point I’ve tried everything… counselling, cognitive/behavioral therapy, following the advice of any @$$HOLE who cares to sound off on my difficulties, medication… I have to say, in all honesty, I was hoping for a magic pill thet would make me normal… and I found it.

    The experience was interesting… as well as uplifting, but…

    I don’t like to feel normal.

    It’s boring and futile.

    The human race doesn’t evolve because of normal people… its strange and unfamiliar ideas that push people to stumble over the hurdles that hold us back as a species.

    Sure, its awkward to watch, at first, but eventually the sheeple will come around, they always do.

    At least 95% of the population is unsure of themselves… I’m not.

    I’m not headed in the wrong direction… I don’t have a disability… my brain operates on theta waves instead of betas… meditation is my natural state of mind… I am painfully aware of my separation from God all day, every day…

    I’m not going to apologize for who I am anymore… I’m not going to try to change myself anymore…

    I’m going to embrace the message that is planted deep inside my brain…

    And then speak my mind… I encourage you all to do the same.

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