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Re: Organization and Time Management HELP!

Re: Organization and Time Management HELP!2011-03-04T22:10:06+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Organization and Time Management HELP! Re: Organization and Time Management HELP!


Post count: 14413

I have tried to set aside specific times for certain jobs but over the years the inflexibility of that system became a huge problem. I assume that if for some reason you cannot do what you’re supposed to do at 2 PM, that you do that task ASAP thereafter. I, sadly, just get stuck and I am liable to stay stuck for a really long time.

So, I have found a bit more success with the suggestion that Rick made a month ago. I do not have a TO DO list. I have TO DO notes. That way I can sort them by priority. Regular recurring tasks are in a set by themselves. But ONE job that is not a regular recurring job is selected for each day and that gets priority. That doesn’t always mean that it gets done first, but it gets done before the end of the day.

My problem (yeah, right, I only have one! LOL) is that the regular recurring tasks start to slip and then stuff piles up. I quite simply cannot do all that I feel I should do. Maybe I expect too much from myself. But at least the really important stuff does get some attention and at the end of the day I can look back and say – “That’s done!”

I will add that years ago I started keeping track of how long I worked on something, and making estimates about how long something should take, etc. That was a real help. It was also helpful to stop when my estimated time was up.