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Re: Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less.

Re: Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less.2011-07-27T04:39:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less. Re: Worst advice – and from a therapist, no less.


Post count: 303

I have friends who do the “I do that too,” or “maybe that’s just your personality,” which both drive me nuts. UGH! Why is it so hard to believe that one could actually have a problem with the noggin?

I had a dismissive doctor the first time I tried finding treatment. Unfortunately, it kept me from finding proper treatment for years. Good for you for being so tenacious and being your son’s advocate. At least he knows you are on his side. I hope he gets the help he needs and deserves.