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Re: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances

Re: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances2010-01-30T16:14:42+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances Re: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances


Post count: 14413

Thank Fearwidg for posting the lists.. Its good to know that from the emotional part of this that we can be anything we want too!!

There were days when I first was diagosed with Adhd back in the 80’s, comments like your day dreamer and your lazy , from people who didn’t know better, would say these things that you’ll amount to nothing because you can’t finish things. But the reality with the proper meds and surroundings you can amount to being very successful using our “gift” . I think though society still has a negative stigma around people with different abilities. We as a society need to change that.

I found this on Ellen’s site, Check it out. Its great .. http://ellen.warnerbros.com/videos/?autoplay=true&mediaKey=607024aa-6f96-4d89-bf86-aa5f6f9d35c2.