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Re: About the Toronto ADD Workshop…

Re: About the Toronto ADD Workshop…2010-03-01T14:48:56+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other About the Toronto ADD Workshop… Re: About the Toronto ADD Workshop…


Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
Post count: 473

You are welcome!

Ah yes, the lack of shame! Liberating, isn’t it?

What did other people think?

What did you get out of it?

What was the most valuable part of the workshop?

Were there sections that made more of a difference?

Other sections that you could have done without?

Stuff you wished we’d covered?

I can tell you, we have already set up a number of workshops with small groups in the next few months, which will be posted under the events page, but we’re going to be doing this again at the Science Centre as soon as we can arrange it.

Jennifer told me that after we sold out there were people outside the theatre in tears, because they couldn’t get in. I know we tend to do things last minute, but please, book early. If we see it’s going to be sold out, we can add a second workshop.