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Re: Just “Be-ing” – Gratitude

Re: Just “Be-ing” – Gratitude2010-03-11T16:01:06+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Just "Be-ing" – Gratitude Re: Just “Be-ing” – Gratitude


Post count: 121

“I keep comparing myself to other people’s version of success and happiness and want to be there too! “

there’s your problem. don’t compare yourself to others, that’s their journeys NOT YOURS. my friend heard someone once say “never let your current circumstances determine your future outcome”, she had me write it out in fancy lettering for her and it’s now a permanent tattoo on her. :D

my fav… “all we are is a result of what we have thought” ~buddha

i know from personal experience that it is difficult to stay positive when you feel that you have so many failures in your life. instead of dwelling on those, celebrate them. be thankful that you have made those mistakes. and that you have the opportunity to learn from them. then, practice the alternative (the better) decision that you feel should be made in those instances. celebrate everything.

i’ve always thought that everything happens for a reason and certain people are in our lives at certain times for a purpose. be grateful for those around you. celebrate your unique gift. you have it for a reason. you now have to learn how to use it. :D

here are some sites that you might like to help you with your gratitude new self.



and i enjoyed reading eckhart tolle’s books. his teachings are those on taking an intrapersonal communication. learning about one’s self allows you to be more in tune with the world around you. http://www.eckharttolle.com/home/books/

and if you are able to hold your attention long enough (my friend sent me this):

Did you know that there is an effective and

an ineffective way to express gratitude?

Unfortunately, the ineffective way is far more common.

This is gratitude that you express that is

related to what is happening in your life right now.

It is closely related to the gratitude and appreciation

we learn to express as children (i.e. to say thanks) and

that is probably why it is often the default and why

so many people get stuck here.

Ineffective gratitude includes things such as:

* your health

* your relationships

* your material possessions

* your friends and family

* a nice vacation

I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this

form of gratitude. All I am saying is that it is not

nearly as powerful as the more effective way you will

read about.

Often the problem with the above form of gratitude is

that it comes from a place of lack. If you have ever

expressed gratitude while thinking “at least… I am

healthy, or at least I have a great family” then you

know what I mean.

This form of gratitude is extremely week because it is

based on the present circumstances. In other words,

this form of gratitude is conditional. It makes it

sound that you are grateful “only if you have good

health, a great relationship, etc.”

Unfortunately, conditional gratitude fails to activate

the law of attraction. The universe does not respond

to conditional requests.

The second form of gratitude is complete in that it is

a celebration of life itself, for all the experiences

you are having. One other key difference is this.

Effective gratitude comes from an underlying attitude

vs. a temporary focus on one item or thing to be

grateful for.

With practice, this holistic form of gratitude can

become second nature. When it does, the law of

attraction will flow far more easily into your life.

The more powerful form of gratitude includes items

such as:

* your life

* this awesome planet

* for being who you are

* for future events

* for problems, challenges, and hardships

* for your mistakes

* for your mind

* for your freedom

In other words, you become grateful for this amazing

journey of your life regardless of what happens and

where it takes you because you know that it is just

right for you and that everything is happening for a


When you are expressing effective gratitude, fear and

loss disappear. There is no focus on any lack and when

you reach this state, that is when abundance can truly

start flowing into your life.

Being grateful for what you have in your life (your

health, relationships, etc.) has its place. But when

you start feeling truly grateful for everything that is

happening in your life and open your heart, you will be

amazed at how quickly the universe will start to answer.