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Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?

Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?2010-12-06T11:15:33+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed? Re: ANYONE ELSE feel like calling up past teachers and bosses after being diagnosed?


Post count: 14413

My Mom – now 84 – wrote so many letters to school administrators, teachers, and councilors during my time at school, because she knew I was smart, and had a problem, that she still cries when we discuss it. She wanted me to do well, without the suffering, and verbal abuse by teachers. Do I want to tell them off, no, I just want to become successful, and give them the raspberry, because I always knew I would exceed their expectations, and no matter how much I disliked some of them I know they would be happy to know they were wrong about me, because even they know they were jerks.