The Forums › Forums › The Workplace › Other › They DO NOT GET IT….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! › Re: They DO NOT GET IT….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Working2 – Great tips! I can relate to EVerything you’re saying. I’m always finishing peoples sentences when I think they’re taking too long to say what they want to say (spit it out already!) I’m on second week of meds and find I’m much more patient with people, dont swear in traffic nearly as much and try to listen more instead of trying to be heard more.
It seems that ADD awareness is on the rise (thanks ADD and Loving IT!) and while its not as recognized as say, depression, it seems more and more people are becoming aware of its positive aspects and not just the negative. Employers too. I found this article on what a great asset ADDrs can be to a company willing to make a few minor accommodations.