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Re: ADD and religion

Re: ADD and religion2012-06-29T16:43:24+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? ADD and religion Re: ADD and religion


Post count: 7

New member and loving it so far. Being different and excepted (loved) is huge for me. Not to many of my family members believe

in this ADD stuff (we all struggle with this stuff they say….OK) I will try to be short with my testimony. now 62 and female, I’m understanding myself and learning if God loves me I can love me too. Excepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at 31 and I now have a personal RELATIONSHIP with my creator. WOW it is incredible what I have experienced especially with MY relationships. I am great at condemning myself but God has revealed himself in so many ways, He’s not condemning me I am with the help of the devil’s stronghold. Those in Christ are no longer under the law “10 Commandments” but Grace. (my belief and hopefully nobody is offended with me sharing. It’s not about I’m right and your wrong. I respect you and yours.) I too go to church and get bored, fall asleep and am SOOOOO very distracted with noises. I love children but please dont put me next to one or even somewhat close or I wont hear a word being preached. Yet Sunday I went to our sons church and new the Holy Spirit was present. I love reading Christ center books that draw me into a more intimate relationship with my heavenly Father.(Him revealing himself through His word). With God’s help I hope to get a better understanding of ADD and me finding ways to love and help others along the way. I know alot of people struggling with ADD/ADHD. Thanks to all of you for sharing. I will be praying for you and this website. Thank you Lord for this new opportunity.