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Re: just lost my job

Re: just lost my job2012-02-05T17:52:19+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job just lost my job Re: just lost my job


Post count: 14413

This a always a big problem with us ADD losing jobs we cannot come out and say what we have we must hide always for fear of ignorance and obviously losing the job.

This is the complete utter failure of the Government I have emailed Dr. Helena Jaczek Liberal MP and never received one response, simply put Governments do not want to recognized ADD in the work place, they do not believe that we should be treated fairly, and not be afraid to come out.

If you read many sites the cost of ADD folks in high; unemployment, debt problems etc , now imagine if we are able to come out in the working world, and be protected. The benefits to all would be great, but our Government does not care and will not care, like Thomas doubting the wounds of Christ so does our Governments deny ADD.,

The sad thing there is countless proof of that ADD is real by top Universities in the World,

I appreciate the site but unless you have the means to see the specialist pay for your medication your just a soul out in the ocean by yourself