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Re: ADHD Point of View….

Re: ADHD Point of View….2012-01-28T07:21:15+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other ADHD Point of View…. Re: ADHD Point of View….


Post count: 845


There are many things wrong with the school system which result in the justifiable frustrations which you and I have both experienced. One frustration is the very one you mention, that of early intervention.

Browneyes and I were both told that our kid just needed to “grow up.” Had the school system had some sort of early intervention in the form of screening to identify problems such as ADHD in me, my son, and yourself, our lives would have been much different to this point. Unfortunately, such was not the case.

Another frustration with the schoool system is that kids, such as yourself, identified as gifted have so little encouragement. It’s like they want to turn out students which conform to some preconceived model. Great sums are spent to get the slow learners up to average, which is good, but the brighter students seemed to get “dumbed down” by having to sit in boring classes that don’t exploit and encourage the potential of the gfted. Programs for the exceptional do not give equal resources to the exceptional who are “gifted.” (Now I’m sure I’ve ticked off a bunch of teachers and school administrators. But they, I’m sure, are frustrated over the very same things.) It saddens me to think that, you did not get identified early as ADHD, get the medication and tools needed, and get access to a good program for gifted students. It’s a terrible waste.

As for spelling, in my case, I often hit the “send post” before proofreading and have to “edit” to correct spelling or add some additional thought. Maybe I shouldn’t generalize my case.

As for my tone, I guess I’ll go check out the “There’s a “tone” to my voice that everyone hates” thread on that one.

Actually, the “random” reference was about how on so many of the threads we seem to get off topic and go on some other random direction. Which is what I did with my post. It was not directed at yours which I thought was excellent and on topic. I enjoyed it. :)