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Reply To: Desk bike for fidget control?

Reply To: Desk bike for fidget control?2017-12-08T05:32:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Exercise Desk bike for fidget control? Reply To: Desk bike for fidget control?


That Guy with ADHD
Post count: 123

While I don’t have experience with the desk bike I am familiar with the lack of energy. I’m seeing a specialist for my problem and was diagnosed with Hypersomnia, a little understood disorder. My doctor told me that 1/3 of his patients have ADHD so it seems to be one of those comorbid disorders.

If you try the bike idea let us know how it worked. It sounds good to me. I seem to focus better when I’m on my elliptical so why not a bike?

Best regards

That Guy With ADHD