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Reply To: A couple of stories …

Reply To: A couple of stories …2018-01-24T18:43:26+00:00

That Guy with ADHD
Post count: 123

Hello AddThatsMe and welcome,

I was 53 when I first figured I was ADHD and I just received my official diagnosis last week. I am much like you in that I was (and still am to a great extent) overwhelmed by everything since I thought I might be ADHD. There are so many voices telling you This or That. When I’m overwhelmed by so many choices it seems my choice id “D – None of the above”. In general I am quite laid back as well but ADHD has made my relationship with my wife a struggle. It has been my first priority for years and I worry that I can’t improve my symptoms fast enough to hold on to her so going with the flow isn’t an option for me.

I hope you find some wisdom throughout this forum.

Best Regards

AKA That Guy with ADHD