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Reply To: Anger and coping with ADD

Reply To: Anger and coping with ADD2018-02-05T02:03:29+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other Anger and coping with ADD Reply To: Anger and coping with ADD


Post count: 2

Hello Ricard,
Yes, before I ever new of ADHD, I was know to go off the handle. This was before it was ever called ADHD. Teachers would call it day dreaming. Looking back now I believe my anger stems from the (undiagnosed) of back in the day. After wish continue through my years in the military. I not to mention both school and work. I try to control it through exercise, mediation and music and Art. Not always successfully, but always trying. Mostly it comes at me from those folks who aren’t even aware they are the cause.
