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Reply To: I bought & listened to "ADD & Mastering It!" and …

Reply To: I bought & listened to "ADD & Mastering It!" and …2018-04-04T05:02:50+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments What Worked For Me… I bought & listened to "ADD & Mastering It!" and … Reply To: I bought & listened to "ADD & Mastering It!" and …


That Guy with ADHD
Post count: 123

Welcome to the forum fyjimojo!

Filling that white noise helps me too but I learned to do it with familiar music. If I play background music that I am very familiar with (Beatles, Doug and the Slugs, Strange Advance) the part of my brain that gets distracted seems to focus on that and doesn’t splinter into a million subthoughts that I get lost in. The rest of my brain seems to be able to focus on work. While it’s not perfect (I still manage to drift away) it does help me. Having that roar of the engine in your head all the time must have made it hard to think of anything else but racing! The perfect activity for you! 😀

I was just thinking of downloading ADHD and mastering it. Did you find it helpful?

AKA That (54 year old) Guy with ADHD