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Reply To: I bought & listened to "ADD & Mastering It!" and …

Reply To: I bought & listened to "ADD & Mastering It!" and …2018-04-04T16:15:33+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments What Worked For Me… I bought & listened to "ADD & Mastering It!" and … Reply To: I bought & listened to "ADD & Mastering It!" and …


Post count: 2

Yep Richard the video is Worthy!

Over the years I figured out many coping mechanisms offered in the video. Since a kid, depression was ever-present. No antidepressants worked. After a bout with depression lasting until 2001, I saw another psychiatrist who, after 15 minutes of observation, had me take a multiple choice test. He said “I got something for you to try. You will either be bouncing off the wall in 15 minutes or will feel better.” I said “What?” He said ‘Ritalin”. I said “I thought that was for ADD.” He said, “Yeah, I think that is the root of your depression.” So I tried it and BINGO!

The doctor remarked that I seemed to have my life together so asked how I coped. I showed my Palm Pilot (these days smartphone) which had evolved from carrying a PDA since the early 90s. Before that, I updated and printed an agenda daily and attached it to a clipboard. As the day progressed, I scratched through completed stuff and penciled in new/edited stuff.

To re-emphasize, for everyone struggling with coping, the video is great!