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Reply To: Never ending ADD humor

Reply To: Never ending ADD humor2019-09-17T15:43:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Never ending ADD humor Reply To: Never ending ADD humor


Post count: 5

Love it.

One morning I was getting ready for work made my breakfast and my cup of coffee. Went about the other morning ritual tasks that I do and went back to finish my coffee.

I couldn’t find my cup anywhere . . . not in my bedroom, not the bathroom, not in the lounge or the kitchen . . . just vanished, gone.

So I figured “Ok I’ll just tidy my breakfast dishes away and put the butter back in the refrigerator . . . opened the refrigerator door and there was my coffee on one of the shelves!!!!

Mystery solved, however, how and why I put it there . . . I don’t know and any recollection of doing it . . . nope!!!

I suppose that’s an ADD moment right there!