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Re: 37 and finally got up the courage to talk to my doc

Re: 37 and finally got up the courage to talk to my doc2010-08-05T02:41:41+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story 37 and finally got up the courage to talk to my doc Re: 37 and finally got up the courage to talk to my doc


Walter Mitty
Post count: 5

Hi, new to the group. Found it completely randomly. Was diagnosed with ADD a few years ago, tried Stratera for a while, wasn’t really working, made appointment to change, took the wrong day off from work, missed appointment, got discouraged, and never rescheduled. I get daily reminders to go back from my wife (not finishing projects started around the house), employers ( “What ARE you doing?) etc… I found this site while looking for a recent image of Patrick McKenna and ended up here. Great site. The other sites seem like a doctor’s office; this one is like a friends home. Long story short, I made an appointment for Monday (8.09) to see my Dr about doing something different. Will be back soon.