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Re: 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke!

Re: 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke!2011-10-12T15:09:42+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke! Re: 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke!


Post count: 59

@Nellie – Spellbound? :-) Love it!

Well, I have had 2 appointments so far. First one was an initial discussion where I explained why I thought I needed an assessment and my doc asked questions to clarify and make sure that we were in the ballpark.

Appointment 2 – short questionnaire in office, and an hour long discussion (including some more questionnaires adminisitered verbally) to clarify further and to continue ruling out other things (such as are there voices in my head etc – first time I’ve been asked that one!) I was given two more extensive questionnaires to take home, one of which I actually had my dad give his own input on as it was specific to my childhood.

Appointment 3 (Oct 24) will be to go over my responses and for a physical to rule out any organic issues.

Appointment 4 (Nov 7) will I assume be to have an overview and hopefully diagnosis and discuss treatment options.

I know that some have had more extensive testing, and I feel confident that if my doc feels that is necessary that we’ll go that route. The teaching hospital affliliated with my family practice unit has a mood disorder clinic, so the resources are there and in the past I have always felt that they are very thorough, although this is my first time visiting for something that wasn’t “it hurts when I do this”.

I started to go through boxes last night in search of report cards, but it’s a daunting task! I have a stack of boxes in a closet that I’ll explore later this week.

@Nellie & KrazyKat – I had the same issue with marks – very bright and the places that I didn’t do well were ‘unimportant’ subjects so as long as I did well in other things, I suppose it didn’t seem that vital. Looking back, it’s a huge clue though. The classes where I actually had to DO something, I failed. The classes where I could just KNOW the answers, I excelled at. Until I no longer KNEW the answers, then I started to do poorly there too.