The Forums › Forums › Emotional Journey › My Story › 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke!
October 12, 2011 at 3:09 pm #108459
@Nellie – Spellbound? Love it!
Well, I have had 2 appointments so far. First one was an initial discussion where I explained why I thought I needed an assessment and my doc asked questions to clarify and make sure that we were in the ballpark.
Appointment 2 – short questionnaire in office, and an hour long discussion (including some more questionnaires adminisitered verbally) to clarify further and to continue ruling out other things (such as are there voices in my head etc – first time I’ve been asked that one!) I was given two more extensive questionnaires to take home, one of which I actually had my dad give his own input on as it was specific to my childhood.
Appointment 3 (Oct 24) will be to go over my responses and for a physical to rule out any organic issues.
Appointment 4 (Nov 7) will I assume be to have an overview and hopefully diagnosis and discuss treatment options.
I know that some have had more extensive testing, and I feel confident that if my doc feels that is necessary that we’ll go that route. The teaching hospital affliliated with my family practice unit has a mood disorder clinic, so the resources are there and in the past I have always felt that they are very thorough, although this is my first time visiting for something that wasn’t “it hurts when I do this”.
I started to go through boxes last night in search of report cards, but it’s a daunting task! I have a stack of boxes in a closet that I’ll explore later this week.
@Nellie & KrazyKat – I had the same issue with marks – very bright and the places that I didn’t do well were ‘unimportant’ subjects so as long as I did well in other things, I suppose it didn’t seem that vital. Looking back, it’s a huge clue though. The classes where I actually had to DO something, I failed. The classes where I could just KNOW the answers, I excelled at. Until I no longer KNEW the answers, then I started to do poorly there too.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 17, 2011 at 4:45 am #108460
AnonymousInactiveOctober 17, 2011 at 4:45 amPost count: 14413I did pretty well in every subject except PE!! I had to work VERY HARD to get a C in that!!! It really wrecked my grade average; now, I don’t think they give grades in PE, except pass and fail. I always tried NOT to forget my gym clothes, keep them clean, etc because I KNEW on the basis of achievement, I’d fail for sure!!
REPORT ABUSEOctober 24, 2011 at 5:11 pm #1084613 hours til appointment number 3.
1-1.5 hour drive to doctor’s office.
Haven’t showered yet.
Haven’t filled in my 4 or 5 pages of questionaires for appointment.
Hmmmm, I wonder what the diagnosis will be??
ARgggghh!! What is wrong with me? (rhetorical question…)
REPORT ABUSEOctober 24, 2011 at 9:45 pm #108462
AnonymousInactiveOctober 24, 2011 at 9:45 pmPost count: 14413@Stash – It’s now three hours till my appointment, and you must be in the middle of yours. Hope it’s going okay. I am certainly nervous about mine, but at least I have plenty of stuff to do to take my mind off it all (like lots of washing because I have been away for three days and nobody has washed anything while I was away!!).
REPORT ABUSEOctober 25, 2011 at 3:07 am #108463@KrazyKat – you must be done your appointment by now! You can find my update on my situation here:
I hope yours went well too! I’ve been less nervous with each appointment as I come to terms with ADD. Plus my doctor has been very open and encouraging and empowering. (wanna come over and do my laundry for me???!!)
REPORT ABUSEOctober 25, 2011 at 8:19 am #108464
AnonymousInactiveOctober 25, 2011 at 8:19 amPost count: 14413Stash – I updated on your other thread (sorry to hijack it). I am not sure how I feel now I have had more time to think about my appointment. I had not bargained for being able to “choose” my diagnosis, though I guess that’s sort of what we try to do when we seek a second opinion.
I just found a clothes peg on my bedside table, so I think I got distracted away from my laundry lol!! Have only just now put on a second load!
REPORT ABUSEOctober 25, 2011 at 1:25 pm #108465Haha! No worries! I’ll do my own laundry I suppose!
I think you are getting to choose what to focus on first more than anything. As always though, if you feel uncomfortable with what your doctor has told you, go see someone else. I know that’s not always so easy, but you need to feel well cared for.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 25, 2011 at 2:56 pm #108466
AnonymousInactiveOctober 25, 2011 at 2:56 pmPost count: 14413Hmmm, I suppose so. It didn’t sound as if I was getting to choose what to focus on though. It sort of sounded as if there are differing views in the psych community about ADHD and anxiety, and I need to choose where to place my allegiance. Though I must admit that he did say that I was not signing a mortgage, so was not commiting myself to anything and could change my mind about treatment at any time.
I do know that his view on things comes from a psychoanalytical background, so he was pretty anti medication, even though he presented it as an option. He wants me to be “medication free” (from a psych medication perspective, not all medications) if at all possible while seeing him for treatment, as their mood altering properties can make therapy more difficult. But even so, I am tempted to at least get the ball rolling on the ADHD referral and testing, as I am not entirely convinced that all my issues stem from anxiety, and I know that it could well be a long wait for things to happen in the arena of appointments, testing, and test results.
The other thing I believe is that I am probably best off if I do not seek a second opinion entirely on my own – I could well end up with another doc who believes in psychoanalysis. I think if I do see another doc, then it will be one of the ones that my current doc was talking about when he offered to refer me on for further assessment/treatment, as I know that they will be close to what I am looking for, though hopefully more objective than he made them sound – he said that the ADHD doc would almost definitely diagnose me with ADHD and offer me medication, as “he believes in that sort of thing and that is what he does”. I don’t want somebody who would diagnose ADHD just because he believes in it, though my doc’s comment could also be taken as saying I meet all the criteria for ADHD, if you look at things from the right sort of perspective.
I really am stuck here. I had hoped that I could have BOTH issues (anxiety and ADHD) assessed by the one doc, and treated as appropriate. My doc certainly seems to have some good insights, but I also think his viewpoint is skewed somewhat – though every doc is going to be the same, with a tendency to prefer medications, or certain types of assessment over others, or towards CBT.
I think what really sticks with me is something that occurred with my son. A teacher once said that we had nothing to worry about with his learning, as he wasn’t even a year behind his peers in his areas of deficit BUT when he was tested for ADHD, we were told that it was the discrepancies in his own abilities that told the biggest story, not the comparison of each area to his peers – if he was compared to an average kid his age (as his teacher did), his deficits would be unremarkable, but when compared to the rest of his testing, his deficits stood out because there was a three year difference between his strengths and his deficits, which is big. I feel like I would benefit from the same sort of testing my son had, to see if it matches an ADHD profile, as I am sure that the results of such testing would be more beneficial at determining if ADHD is likely than only serial 7s and an interview (though an interview is also needed, for sure).
Aaaarrrrrghhh!!! My mind is all in a mess and I don’t know what I want to do anymore. I have had such stumbling blocks along the way that I am wondering if this was not meant to be. Talk about frustrating!! And the more I think about it, the worse it gets 😯
REPORT ABUSEOctober 25, 2011 at 7:00 pm #108467Oh KrazyKat! I wish I could give you a big hug and say take a deep breath and let’s look at this one piece at a time.
From what I understand about ADD meds (and today is just day 1.5 for me!), is that they work pretty much right away, if they are going to work. And with ADD it is aiding a biological problem, not mood altering. With depression/anxiety meds, the process is a bit longer. (again, speaking from a layperson’s knowledge, and with NO actual authority on the subject!)
I feel like any anxiety or depression I personally have gone through, has been a direct result of trying to cope with my ADHD. So much in chaos in my life, which is just getting worse as I get older. It’s no wonder that my self-esteem has been low, that I have at times dealt with depression, that I’ve self-medicated, etc, etc. I’ve been coping with something I didn’t know existed!
The deficit vs strength concept for your son is an interesting one! Like my failure in Home Ec & Art, but As in most other subjects. No one noticed because they weren’t “important” subject. Arguably, they told more of the story than my A in science or english. If only someone had stopped to really look at why I had failed…
But, back to you! I think it sounds like your doc is saying that the ADHD specialist will diagnose you and recommend treatment based on your symptoms and his expertise, not just because he wants everyone to have ADHD! But I’m betting he’s hearing your concern about your anxiety issues and wants to be sure that those are addressed as well. He actually sounds kind of fair – he believes in a certain style of treatment, but he understands that not everyone is in the same camp, so he’s letting you have some control over the process.
I don’t know if that helps at all? *big hug* You will be ok. You are taking the steps and that is more than half the battle! Deep breath and some patience (I know, I know…..but pretend for now and maybe a little patience will show up?)
REPORT ABUSEOctober 25, 2011 at 10:47 pm #108468
AnonymousInactiveOctober 25, 2011 at 10:47 pmPost count: 14413Lol!! I am good at pretend – I pretend I am less disorganised than I really am, and that my current state is just a sign of having too much on my plate and will end when things settle down
I think that the doc was very reasonable, but funnily enough, that makes things worse. I feel like I should give him a go, just because he has been fair in his treatment of me.
Haha, I passed art, but failed the art theory part pretty badly. I just could not keep track of the various styles/eras, though I could debate about them well in class when given two examples. It really confused my teacher, who saw good ability on one hand, but dismal failure on the other. I also failed library studies! I shocked the hell out of myself by passing uni level chemistry (where I always felt like I was behind) but failing genetics, which I quite enjoyed. Uni all boiled down to the exams and how I was on the day.
I suppose I am finding it hard to come to grips with “childhood issues” being the root cause of all my tensions/struggles/anxieties. I agree that I had friction with my mum when I was growing up, but I get along well with her now, and I find it hard to believe that the friction caused such dysfunction as I got older, especially as my anxieties feel like they have improved since I was a teen. The lack of a diagnosis sort of gets to me too. Psychoanalysts seem to not put labels on anything. Instead they look at a person and their issues and use “talk” to get to the root of things in order to bring about insight and change, without labelling anything. I think I would feel better if I could find more about the success of the analysis process. But I can’t seem to get much info on it. I do know that it is a form of therapy used in France to treat ADHD, rather than using stimulants, as they have a different view of ADHD there.
Oh well, I really must get to bed. I have limited time to sleep, and I am wasting it on the computer!!
REPORT ABUSEOctober 26, 2011 at 7:42 am #108469
AnonymousInactiveOctober 26, 2011 at 7:42 amPost count: 14413Well. I think I have finally made a decision, based on events of the last few days. I will try the analysis, BUT I also want to pursue the ADHD angle further and will ask to be referred. Originally I was thinking I should wait, but I now believe I need to act sooner, and here’s why…
a) I nearly drove up the back of somebody again yesterday. I was distracted by the car next to me, who had stupidly pulled in ahead of a big truck, and I was looking to see the reaction of the truckie, and to see what sort of person would be stupid enough to pull in front of a big truck. So I forgot that I was driving in heavy traffic and barely stopped in time when I turned around to discover the car in front of me had stopped. This is a frequent occurrence for me, and I have also had several accidents as a result of impulsive decisions, or distraction.
b) Out of curiosity and a sort of desparation, I tried one of my son’s Ritalin 10mg today when I had to drive in busy traffic. I really noticed a difference in my ability to focus on driving and not be distracted by the kids’ chattering and my surroundings.
I know the legalities (and dangers) of using somebody else’s medication, but I really wanted to have a basis for further decision making. I didn’t want to find that I pursued the ADHD angle only to find that the medications are not helpful. And I also wanted to be able to “back up” my reasoning with some evidence. The driving issue is one that scares me at times, and to be able to deal with it NOW, instead of later, would be really good. If the therapy helps in the long term, then that’s great, but for now, I would like to feel a bit safer.
I wasn’t too keen on the side effects though. My muscle tension hit the roof, and I can still feel it in my chest, back, shoulders, and up my neck and jawline. I also had some gastric irritation, which subsided when I had a drink of milk (I did make sure I took the tablet with food). I haven’t done much else that requires focus, so the driving was the only thing I really can say I noticed an improvement in….and my brain was a bit quieter too, which was really nice, as I rarely find peace within my thoughts.
My plan now is to ask for a referral to the ADHD doc, so I can be assessed and hopefully given medication to try. I plan to only use it when needed – driving in traffic (most of my driving is to work and school and only involves light traffic and short distances, so it wouldn’t be often), and high demand times in my week – maybe when work is busy, or when I have lots to do and need to be focussed, or when the housework is spiralling out of control and I need to get things done. I also would like to go down the therapy/analysis track, to see if I can work through things to improve my life overall. Hopefully going down the ADHD path doesn’t mean I cannot do the therapy.
Thank you all for being there, and listening. Things were so confusing and stressful and I really felt adrift there for a bit, but you helped me think things through and let me vent. Now I just need to talk to my doc
REPORT ABUSEOctober 28, 2011 at 6:53 pm #108470
AnonymousInactiveOctober 28, 2011 at 6:53 pmPost count: 14413Well, I visited my family dr last week and he referred me to a local psychologist for diagnosis. However, when I tried to make an appointment there, I was told they don’t diagnose ADD! So, I started looking via internet) at providers in the closest city to us, but some didn’t even have any schooling!! So, I went to the CHADD website and looked for progams at universities in our state. I now have an appointment there on Nov 8. It will cost me $500 and it’s unlikely that my insurance will help much with that. But, at least I am working my way to a diagnosis.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 28, 2011 at 9:19 pm #108471
AnonymousInactiveOctober 28, 2011 at 9:19 pmPost count: 14413I think we paid $800 for my son’s assessment, and then another $40 or so ($140 up front, then put in a claim to get back part of it from Medicare) for his paediatrician’s appointment to discuss medication. We got a little bit back from health insurance for the assessment (but not much). My daughter went to a psychologist under a mental health care plan, which allowed her free treatment for up to 6 months, but we still had to pay for the parent part of the sessions, so another huge sum went into paying for her treatment.
Thankfully my psychiatrist only has a small gap payment (I think some of you call it a co-pay), and we can choose to just pay the gap amount, and he will apply for the Medicare rebate, or we can pay in full and then apply for the rebate. A 50 minute session cost over $200, but with the rebate, we will only be out of pocket by $25 or so. I guess they have to keep it cheap considering it’s a long term therapy and people wouldn’t be willing to pay much more for weekly visits that continue for months or years.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 30, 2011 at 8:57 pm #108472
AnonymousInactiveOctober 30, 2011 at 8:57 pmPost count: 14413It’s so unfair that “pysychological” disorders are not fairly covered by medical insurance–isn’t the brain a body organ, after all?!?! We work a lot with the homeless and many of them have untreated disorders that make it difficult for them to funciton in society. A lot of them find society so difficult to deal with that they’d really rather stay in a tent by the river (this in a very rainy climate, too) than go to a shelter where they’re packed in a room like sardines–who can blame them for making that choice!? It makes total sense, in context.
I am waiting for a packet to come from the U of W. I don’t have much in the way of early childhood materials to work from–just my memory, mainly, and my mom’s–she’s 95, but has a sound mind and will help if she can. I DO have one junior choir picture where EVERY SINGLE KID IN THE PICTURE, EXCEPT ME, OF COURSE, is looking right at the camera. I’m looking at the boy next to me who muttered something funny just as the photog clicked the button. My parents had something to say about that, you can be sure!!!
One time, in first grade, the music teacher said all the kids needed to look right at her–so of course, I wanted to see if everyone was. Then I tattled that the girl next to me wasn’t watching the teacher. When the teacher replied that I must not have been either, I answered that I had one eye on her and one on the girl next to me, and then I wondered why the classroom teacher and the music teacher began to laugh.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 30, 2011 at 9:19 pm #108473
AnonymousInactiveOctober 30, 2011 at 9:19 pmPost count: 14413I was quite disgusted to find that psychologists have a bigger gap payment than the specialist doctors (including psychiatrists)!! I picked a psychologist for my daughter because I thought that they would be a lot cheaper. How wrong I was!
I ended up having to be rushed to the doctor on my first day of school, because I got my thumb stuck in the door (on the hinge side!) as someone was closing it. It got very squashed, and the doctor had to sedate/anaethetise me and remove my thumbnail. I remember having the dressing changed – not a pretty sight