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Re: 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke!

Re: 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke!2011-11-06T21:38:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke! Re: 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke!


Post count: 14413

Well, the meeting with my son’s teachers went well. We seemed to all be on the same page, and I got it through to both teachers that I cannot do anything to help my son if I do not know what he is supposed to be doing. So I got a textbook for home, some worksheets for him to do, and a list of what pages in the textbook they will be covering over the next few weeks. The maths teacher also has my email address now, so that she can follow up on things ASAP if work is being lost, or not completed.

So my son has avoided probation once again, which means his place within the school performing arts program is secure for the time being. A big relief!

I was very happy with how his home group teacher (who is also the performing arts coordinator) dealt with the issues at hand without once referring to ADHD, or diabilities, or special needs. She only referred to behaviours that needed addressing, and to potential solutions. So his ADHD was never allowed to become an excuse for him, or for his teachers. Avoiding labels was the best thing she ever did, in my opinion. My son felt “normal”, with “normal” issues that could be addressed by “normal” means – identifying his own needs, learning to recognise the needs of others, and negotiating with teachers so that his needs can be met without compromising the needs of others, or causing the teachers difficulties.

If you want to read more about my diagnosis saga, then read my blog


Or check out this thread


I sort of ended up posting my news in bits and pieces all over the place, in my usual scattered way, I’m afraid 😳