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Re: A clever device to stop us from talking for too long

Re: A clever device to stop us from talking for too long2012-09-14T22:54:59+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments A clever device to stop us from talking for too long Re: A clever device to stop us from talking for too long


Post count: 929

HAHA! The guy who had cash ready in his hand is probably one of us!. This was fun to watch thanks. The best one’s are when she repeats her 4 words more than 5 times… What a perfect voice!. I bet that little girl had the time of her life… it get’s even better when she started using a lower voice. Looks like the 1st girl probably wore out her voice, how funny. The very last guy made the most sense.

Somehow I missed the MRI of the coitus part, I was wondering why they pulled her away on one of em. Dang, guess I’m not cured yet… I’ll be sticking around here a bit longer I guess.

Thanks agen Larynxa. good stuff!.