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Re: ADD and dating, idea for this site

Re: ADD and dating, idea for this site2011-01-23T11:59:44+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? ADD and dating, idea for this site Re: ADD and dating, idea for this site


Post count: 14413

Been divorced 2x and now 48 and just recently diagnosed with ADHD and thanks to this website finally understanding (an intrical part of the hollistic approach) this Syndrome i would suggest making sure you are on top of your treatment regiment before any dating. I should be the poster boy as why not to date until so ………. being honest. That does not meen i cannot be social and still have a life! And if I do find someone you can bet I will let them know I have ADHD and have them visit this site as there is no shame in it. But again if you are not honest with your own short commings how can another. And yes if you have found the right man/woman he or she would also realize you as a person with ADHD have unique offerings as well………