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Re: ADD and emotional/control issues

Re: ADD and emotional/control issues2010-05-14T02:53:06+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADD and emotional/control issues Re: ADD and emotional/control issues


Donna Jean
Post count: 14

Here is my problem: I have been on Ritalin for six weeks. The doctor had me stop taking Amitriptyline (25mg 4 times a day). Also I take only 100mg of Bupropion now instead of 150mg every morning. Sure, I can sit still now and read, do the the wonderword in record time and I do feel somewhat more calm, until the Ritalin wears off. I am sad, I am isolating and crying often. The few people that I have talked to that know me can see the difference. I was happy go lucky before and now I feel alone and sad. I don’t have the positive outlook I had. I have to “fake it in front of people”. I don’t want to pretend anymore.

Does anyone feel this way too?