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Re: ADD and religion

Re: ADD and religion2012-07-14T02:04:14+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? ADD and religion Re: ADD and religion


Post count: 303

Okay…wow. Someday, my ADHD brain will let me get through all these posts. Anyway, In regards to only the negative stuff in religion getting attention…

Mostly negative stuff regarding anything gets into the news. If it happened all the time, it’s not news. After a while, they even stop reporting the negative stuff that happens all the time, as it becomes mundane. However, of the stuff that gets reported that doesn’t happen all the time, I’m of the opinion that news people are sad sacks, or maybe the people who obsess over news are, because the majority of stuff is negative.

It used to be that the last 5 minutes of any news show was set aside for a “feel good” story. That’s just not the case, anymore. What’s wrong with us that we wanna be served a pile of pessimistic garbage 24/7???

One answer to this problem. Turn it off, and go outside and find yourself an example of something unusually nice. That or go be that person that does something unusually nice for someone else. Man, it sure makes the world seem like a better place than the news would have you believe it is.