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Re: ADD and Suicide?

Re: ADD and Suicide?2011-07-26T19:59:36+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other ADD and Suicide? Re: ADD and Suicide?


Post count: 14413

Oh yeah, in moments of extreme desperation or sadness, my brain ‘goes there’. Not nearly as bad as it’s been, but it’s there…lurking…

I typically will call or email one of my sisters. Hearing their voice on the other line reminds what I do have in my life an the people who would be affected if I did something lasting in a MOMENT of helplessness. I also say this little chant over and over when things get tough “This is NOT a tragedy.” Just saying it over and over starts to get silly and I realize that I”m kind of chuckling through something that I thought was a crisis.

I’m with everyone about seeing or talking to someone. The fact that your mind ‘goes there’ is scary and I applaud you for mentioning it on here. God, there are some brave souls on this site!!! Sometimes we just need a push in the right direction and some tools to help us out.

This is what I tell my sister when things get hard “Every day that you wake up is a day means God, or Buddha or Allah or the Universe has a purpose for you. Somewhere someone isn’t waking up at all.”

I say it to my sister, and I say it to myself. Good luck addnurse!!!!