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ADD and Suicide?

ADD and Suicide?2011-07-22T08:27:37+00:00

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    Post count: 3

    anyone else get so depressed sometimes they have dark thoughts? I would never do that to my family,but at times………


    Post count: 128

    I have had those kinds of thoughts since I was 10 years old. The worst of it was when i found out I am ADD last year. However, the more I learn about how my brain works and the more I read on this site the easier it is getting to stomp on those thoughts and kick theim out the door.


    Post count: 169

    Many of us also suffer from depression so you are not alone. Constantly failing to do things, follow through on things, and the social dysfunction we seem to exhibit certainly compound the problem. Barkley mentioned in one of his lectures that people with ADHD have a much higher likelihood of following through with suicidal thoughts because of the lack of impulse control.

    It may sound corny, but you just have to get up and keep going because it will most likely get better or not get any worse. I would recommend that at the very least you should speak to a counselor about your “dark thoughts.”


    Post count: 14413

    Anxiety and depression go hand in hand with ADHD in adults. The feeling of being worthless and not being able to do anything right can weigh heavy on you. Sometimes it’s just anger that results in self-harm (you hurt yourself while having a break-down) and other times you consider the worse.

    These are crisis moments and these are moments that you should not be alone. Even if you just call someone, you can usually make it through and get on with living. I know we all like to just keep it inside, but finding a safe way to get through a tough time is a good thing.


    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    Same with me, it started when I was about ten. It was a cycle of up and down. I’m unable to get any job. Mediation helps to stabilize my emotions. I do it whenever needed. Family support is critical. My story is on most-extreme.

    Moodyness is expected in women. However, men are expected to be emotionally stable. So, we tend to hide it when we have gone off the deep-end because of emotional trama. I am so good at it that no one ever knows unless I let them know. Also, the people that commit suicide don’t have the coping mechs that adults have. I’v develop many different ones as i’m sure you all have.

    Once I realized it was just a cycle, I just ride out the storm and move on.


    Post count: 14413

    *hugs* yes, unfortunately. Even if you would never do it, such painful thoughts require intervention! Do you get therapy and/or mood disorder treatment?


    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    Me, I did consoling for long time. I haven’t in 10 years. Medicare doesn’t support it and no mental help exists in the USA without cost. You can only get free help if your a severe case. Yes, -other countries- are health care is the worst on the planet. Now, include mental care as well. Guess what? Medicare and disability are being cut again and again.

    “Greatest country in the world!” that would be Norway, according to world stats. ;)



    Post count: 913

    >>Me, I did consoling for long time. I haven’t in 10 years. Medicare doesn’t support it and no mental help exists in the USA without cost<<

    Sorry, I disagree…………. been down that road and there are places, like here, Polk County has a good mental health program – counseling if you can’t afford it is on a “pay as can afford” basis.

    Thoughts of suicide – there’s help there that’s free – hot line, counseling, etc. Luckily I’ve never needed that service, but it’s there.

    My mother needed care for mental health when we were kids, and the family was far from able to afford it…….. arrangement were made.


    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    billd>counseling if you can’t afford it is on a “pay as can afford” basis.

    Paying for it means it isn’t free. Any costs at that level means going into my food budget. One phone call counts as a quick fix, not a long term solution.


    Post count: 14413

    filmbuff, looking to some free biblio or computer therapy.

    This is my favorite therapy site; i share it with people quite regularly. http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/consumers.cfm

    The content is solidly based upon CBT. For greatest efficacy, MUST actually complete the exercises.


    Post count: 913

    Did you get the meaning of “pay as you can afford” ? Apparently you’ve never used such a system.

    Low income- pay a little – WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD – meaning if you can’t afford – no pay. If you can afford to pay some, you pay some, it varies based on income, etc.

    No income- pay **nothing**

    Who said one phone call?? Not me. Hey, I have taken advantage of said services, been there, done that. It was SESSIONS with a REAL person in person sitting across a desk from each other. Trust me, I’m a case myself –

    I see a lot of negativity and anger……….. sorry, I thought I was the angry person who was always negative……… please don’t be so down.

    there’s great support HERE! Please don’t fight us – we’re here to help and support each other since so few others “get it”.


    Post count: 14413

    Oh yeah, in moments of extreme desperation or sadness, my brain ‘goes there’. Not nearly as bad as it’s been, but it’s there…lurking…

    I typically will call or email one of my sisters. Hearing their voice on the other line reminds what I do have in my life an the people who would be affected if I did something lasting in a MOMENT of helplessness. I also say this little chant over and over when things get tough “This is NOT a tragedy.” Just saying it over and over starts to get silly and I realize that I”m kind of chuckling through something that I thought was a crisis.

    I’m with everyone about seeing or talking to someone. The fact that your mind ‘goes there’ is scary and I applaud you for mentioning it on here. God, there are some brave souls on this site!!! Sometimes we just need a push in the right direction and some tools to help us out.

    This is what I tell my sister when things get hard “Every day that you wake up is a day means God, or Buddha or Allah or the Universe has a purpose for you. Somewhere someone isn’t waking up at all.”

    I say it to my sister, and I say it to myself. Good luck addnurse!!!!


    Post count: 3

    Thank you all for your kind and helpful responses;it’s good to know I’m not alone……


    Post count: 14413

    I have been depressed since about the age of 12 or 13… I am now 27. I have had dark thoughts but like addnurse I would never go through with it. Unfortunately nobody diagnosed me with depression until I was about 24-25 years old. My life is a lot better since starting my anti-depressant I sleep better, no more random crying spells, and etc… addnurse if you are not on an anti-depressant you might want to talk to your doctor about it.


    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    sugargremlin> filmbuff, looking to some free biblio or computer therapy.

    The privacy of that method is questionable. No thanks.

    billd>Did you get the meaning of “pay as you can afford” ? Apparently you’ve never used such a system.

    Low income- pay a little – WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD – meaning if you can’t afford – no pay. If you can afford to pay some, you pay some, it varies based on income, etc.No income- pay **nothing**

    Been looking for many years. Never ever seen one like that. All private ones cost something.

    >Who said one phone call?? Not me. Hey, I have taken advantage of said services, been there, done that. It was SESSIONS with a REAL person in person sitting across a desk from each other. Trust me, I’m a case myself –

    You don’t live in the USA. “We handle only the most severe cases.”(public) Point out one of these low-income(no cost) private services. Referrals to a free licensed psych. Sounds like something out of Hollywood feel good movie. ;)

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