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Re: ADD, clutter and “hoarding” stuff

Re: ADD, clutter and “hoarding” stuff2010-12-08T00:30:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADD, clutter and "hoarding" stuff Re: ADD, clutter and “hoarding” stuff


Post count: 913

>>1. Do I use it?

2. Do I have a place for it?

3. Do I love it?<<

But I might need it someday!!

I’m still to this day using “stuff” I’ve saved over the years. I am finally, however, parting with some things……. I just hate to waste things that might be useful. Old newspapers, magazines, etc. – naw, they go. They won’t find me dead under piles of “rubbish” anyway.

One problem I have, though – is that I can’t get rid of anything that either has a cat or kitten on it, or is shaped like a cat. (well, I DO toss old cat food cans, cat litter sacks, etc.) but if it’s a card, candle, notepad, whatever, unless it’s actually “trash” like a used up container, I have trouble parting with it. (so yes, I have a number of Beanie Baby cats)

I DO collect things – antiques- antique spark plugs, antique engines, antique tools. (I can’t settle on one or two)