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Re: ADD friendly jobs

Re: ADD friendly jobs2011-06-29T21:22:09+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers ADD friendly jobs Re: ADD friendly jobs


Post count: 14413

@librarian_chef: Fair enough. I appreciate that I’ve had a unique path, and I wasn’t diagnosed until 37 (like I said, Monday), so I’m still learning. I don’t mean to offend anyone who has had difficulty coping in the world.

Nonetheless, I can’t help but think that this is an enormous gift, not a defect. It’s a product of my bias, but I’ve been (in typical ADD fashion) researching the heck out this (for TWO WHOLE DAYS!!), and I find it hard to believe that Sir Richard Branson, Danielle Fisher (climbed Everest at 20), Michael Phelps (14 gold medals), Terry Bradshaw (4 superbowls), Justin Timberlake (4 Grammy’s, 2 Emmys), and hundreds of other super people all “overcame” ADD like it was tuberculosis. For whatever reason, their brains helped them get what they wanted.

My point is the “symptoms” of this condition can be incredible assets. Pilots, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, entrepreneurs, all need to multitask effectively, and also need to be able to hyperfocus. All of the “symptoms” are what serve me so well in a crisis and make me able to do what the “normal” people can’t.

I get Rick’s point about focusing when you want to, and I don’t mean to imply people are just not working hard enough. The fortunate thing for me has always been searching out the thing I wanted most (10 years ago, that was a law degree), and making that the most shiny object in my field of view.