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Re: ADHD and the self employed

Re: ADHD and the self employed2011-01-21T18:40:20+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADHD and the self employed Re: ADHD and the self employed


Post count: 14413

GOOGLE blacksmith organizations apears to be a big one in Virginia…………………. There is a wrought iron associations as well. There is also a Facebook page for blacksmiths……….. strong suggetion ….. Get used to using a computer If you have one at home tinker at searching on google It is a great resource. Yes also as per Curlymoe there are small business associations ans small business development centers, there might be a S C O R E office close by… If there are any colleges in your area do not be shy call them ask for the business dept and see if they know of any places that offer free start up business advice.

I kinda understand your issues Curly……. Sometimes small business owners especially newbies and start-ups are strapped for cash. So often many hats have to be worn. That said unless you have a ton of dough u might be forced to do it all. It can be intimidating but it is quite rewarding. Sales is important You might have the greatest COG in the whole world unless you can creat a venue for others to know about the chances of success is greatly reduced. I will say today with the use of the computer and Internet many businesses are thriving because of a possible greater comfort level as not having to meet or speak face to face as a creative web-site can do that for you. Web-sites are so cheap today and to create on is quite easy……. But there are many nuances in them to keep the costs reigned and results high….. % years ago I barely knew what the computer was everyday i learn more and more on my own, classes, trade groups, sba-sbdc, and just by asking lots and lots of questions.which leads me to……….. the great video here on talking………. Talking is very important and yes I know it is very hard for us ADDr’s listening is just as if not more important..