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Re: ADHD Awareness weeks coming up on Oct. Check it out gang.

Re: ADHD Awareness weeks coming up on Oct. Check it out gang.2012-09-08T14:27:00+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other ADHD Awareness weeks coming up on Oct. Check it out gang. Re: ADHD Awareness weeks coming up on Oct. Check it out gang.


Post count: 596

Ok I don’t want to be a negative Nellie here and I’m all for promoting awareness of ADD. But….how is this poster going to help? The average person won’t go to the website. It’s very pretty and all but not exactly catchy with a hook. Especially if you are in a hurry it doesn’t make you want to stop. “The many faces” is a good idea but the graphic doesn’t really have any punch to make you think.

Or are “normal” people so boring that they’ll fall for it? :-)

Maybe if they had captions underneath the photos : Bessie — “forgets where she parked her car on a regular basis”

Bob- “stomps feet and makes loud remarks when standing in line”

Louise ” regular Costco shopper but lives alone “

Erin : has no idea what her bank balance is”

John – “has never paid a bill on time”

Anyway they would only have to look around this site for better ideas :-)