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Re: ADHD Awareness weeks coming up on Oct. Check it out gang.

Re: ADHD Awareness weeks coming up on Oct. Check it out gang.2012-09-09T16:07:29+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other ADHD Awareness weeks coming up on Oct. Check it out gang. Re: ADHD Awareness weeks coming up on Oct. Check it out gang.


Post count: 929

I worry a lil about people I know reading my posts here too nellie. But then again. It’s not like I’ve got tons of friends out there who would even recognize me. Still, I’ve been thinking for months about re-registering. I’ve changed a lot in the last year. I’ll come up with a unisex name. Lot’s of my posts make me seem so dang crazy!.

I think a lil constructive criticism is not a bad thing nellie. Second guessing yourself isn’t either, it’s a positive thing for lot’s. That’s why I leave my longer posts on my desktop for a while. (also, cuz I like it when I make sense)

I wonder if they could have a contest for more posters, just like the video’s? I think they should have some that don’t necessarily promote this site. Then we can choose the one’s we want to print out, the result being more posters get printed out, and we might even remember to stick em up somewhere. Choosing the ones to let us print out is even more work for the crew here though. (my second guessing the idea of more posters, huh?) They could just let us vote on more than just the top 5 posters!. Hmm. But if they show em online for us to choose from, some of us might print them out before they get chosen… Hmm. So second guessing might be a “thing” too, huh? lol.

Maybe, maybe not. :-) I’m not a good “decider” so I guess that means I shouldn’t run for president, huh?. lol

That’s why they put the “edit” clicker thing at the bottom of our posts, huh?. Yep, it’s a “thing” (second guessing…) ?????????????????????

Ah rats…. I clicked on edit, but can’t remember what I want to change in my post… grrrrr. That’s one of the worst “things”…