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Re: ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers

Re: ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers2011-10-01T22:03:50+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! No One Believes Me ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers Re: ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers


Post count: 211

You hit the nail on the head, Stash, with that one term “coping strategies”. It’s how most of us got through life until now – learning ways to circumvent experiences, and in some cases, learning how to lie well (because those missed anniversaries and birthdays and forgotten names gets a little embarrassing to have to to admit to, after years of it).

Don’t know what to tell you about how to lessen the focus for the upcoming testing. Mostly because I couldn’t, either. There are so many shiny things to now remember in a new light, that it’s like telling someone “don’t imagine there’s a tiny purple dinosaur over there in the corner.” (You now know that’s ALL they’ll think about now)

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.