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Re: ADHD-PI and 5 months to fix everything.

Re: ADHD-PI and 5 months to fix everything.2011-07-15T09:56:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story ADHD-PI and 5 months to fix everything. Re: ADHD-PI and 5 months to fix everything.


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Have you considered getting off the medication? I have tried Concerta and Adderall and neither of them work well for me. In fact, in some ways, they make my problems worse because I start to think about other things that are bothering me and focus heavily on that. I have the same problem with “forcing” myself to do things but I think the solution lies in mental training, not in meds. Meds are a simplistic solution to a complicated problem. There is a quote from a famous psychologist that goes “if your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”. I think this quote holds very true for ADD medication.