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Re: ADHD Support in Windsor, ON

Re: ADHD Support in Windsor, ON2010-12-11T16:37:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADHD Support in Windsor, ON Re: ADHD Support in Windsor, ON


Post count: 14413

hi there,

(I just registered for this forum, today. I am a 33 yr old female grad student in Ottawa; I have ADHD, NVLD/AS, & dyscalculia).

Yes, it is true : I was an adult patient of Dr Ahmed’s in Halifax. Two years ago, I relocated to Ottawa for grad school; however, I kept in contact with Dr Ahmed, and saw her whenever I visited Halifax. She moved to Windsor in September of this year. From what I gather, she’s consulting in several different clinics. I’ll enquire as to which ones.

(If you can get in to see her, DO IT! She is fantastic : knowledgeable, dedicated, warm, and she doesn’t hesitate to go to battle for her patients, if need be).
