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Re: Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups

Re: Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups2011-01-20T06:42:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups Re: Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups


Post count: 14413

I’m in Chicago as well and the last psychiatrist I went to said “ADHD is a creation of the pharmaceutical companies to sell more drugs.” Whoa! Not all doctors are created equal so simply looking in the phone book/online will not guarantee quality care or a physician who knows how to treat ADHD. As a small business owner who is uninsured I’m going to struggle with my untreated symptoms until I receive a referral from someone who knows the Dr.is good. I can’t afford to waste another $150 on a ‘psychiatrist’ who doesn’t believe in a disorder that makes my life hell everyday.

Dr. J, someone…please help!