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Re: Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups

Re: Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups2011-01-20T19:11:56+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups Re: Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups


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tly- wasn’t thinking to ask a hotline person about any specific., it’s just that I recall they were students and pretty much wired into the psych community- maybe good people to ask who’s doing what. Should have said as much. I wouldn’t ask Mikey either. A kid on a sugar rush is likely to come up with everything else.

shuz4me- I see your thoughts on this to be spot on but for one detail that might be highlighted- ADULT adhd. I’ve asked and one answer was “some idiot” and why- “they were confused, didn’t know what they were doing.” A real referral might come from Dr J, I know when professionals in most fields “talk turkey” they will notice without fail anyone not up to snuff. Referrals usually only say those who are involved get a piece of the action. It’s worth the effort to ferret out the real deal. I’m sure there will be a few here.