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Re: Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups

Re: Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups2011-01-19T20:48:14+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups Re: Adult ADD Psychiatrists / Therapists / Support Groups


Post count: 14413

I’m new to this so don’t know much or many people or resources as yet. I’ll ask a few people and post. In the meantime you might try calling some of the local hotlines. Never hurts to ask. In years long past I recall people on the phones who were happy to have ANYONE call about anything. (ala the Maytag repairman) Like the “mode” thing. Guess I have them where I get stuck, too, and makes me think I can find some ways to get unstuck when that happens.