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Re: Afraid to Medicate Again

Re: Afraid to Medicate Again2011-07-15T00:45:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Afraid to Medicate Again Re: Afraid to Medicate Again


Post count: 14413

It sounds to me that the 36mg Concerta did the best for you, but that it made you function “normally” with regards to stress. I have seen many non-ADHD people fall apart when things get stressful, so maybe the meds just bring you into a “normal” range of functioning. Not that it helps you deal with it, I’m sorry. One thought is to re-visit some of the ADHD meds. I have read that dextroamphetamine tends to work slightly better for those who have anxiety issues, and that methylphenamide (which is what concerta is) can increase/cause anxiety in some people. I also agree with sugargremlin’s post. You might need to look at whether you can compromise on your job a bit, to cut back the stressful parts that cause the problems when you’re on meds. There may also be medications you could take that alleviate the anxiety when it occurs, but I am no expert and you’d have to dicuss that with a doctor while making it clear that increasing your ADHD meds just makes the anxiety under stress worse, and you will not tolerate ever increasing doses. Good luck.