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Re: Afraid to Medicate Again

Re: Afraid to Medicate Again2011-07-15T13:21:59+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Afraid to Medicate Again Re: Afraid to Medicate Again


Post count: 14413

Sugargremlin – As far as cutting back on work, that really isn’t an option for a couple of reasons. One, I own the projects I work on and delegate those tasks which I can already, so there is really nothing to cut back on. Two, I would explain my job the same way I’ve heard police officer’s explain their day…long periods of boredom punctuated by short periods of stress and excitement. Without medication, I do fine in the less exciting times between projects and thrive in busy crunch time mode. On meds I do really well with the boring periods and fall apart during the crunch time parts. It’s almost like I need to be medicated only when I’m not busy, perhaps a lower dose during those times? As far as my wife being willing to educate herself, she is well aware why I act the way I do and I think she has just had enough of it after all this time. I’ve tried to get her to watch the DVD, however she just said “I don’t need to see a movie that tells me all of the annoying things I already know you do.” So there is that.

KrazyKat – Perhaps you’re correct, maybe it is time for me to find a different doctor and explore other medicines. I have an appointment later today and I will get a refer to a Psychiatrist who can give me some different options. It has been rough going for me lately and I’m pretty open to trying just about anything at this point.

Thanks to both of you for being “experts” and commenting, it has been helpful!