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Re: Alchohol/illegal drugs treating ADHD

Re: Alchohol/illegal drugs treating ADHD2011-07-19T23:13:47+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Addictions Alchohol/illegal drugs treating ADHD Re: Alchohol/illegal drugs treating ADHD


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About 3 years ago to date I thought smoking weed was the perfect self medicating drug. I smoked for 2 years on a very extreme level which lead to me going to the hospital several times for uncontrollable panic attacks. After having such reactions to weed I quit and struggled for several years. Recently moving up to Washington near Vancouver, BC. I found myself closer to the idea of self medicating with MDMA. It was delightfully wonderful to use for such a short period of time. Though it was not a solution to hiding my problems with ADHD it gave me some freedom for the moments when I was high. It felt good to release from my problems of feeling sorry for myself. No one was going to pick up the pieces for me or lend me a hand with my problems.

After so many years off and on those 2 different drugs I learned one thing. You can’t mask problems with more problems or by the use of drugs. Unfortunately I live with someone who thinks that masking her feelings with alcohol is the solution to her problems. I’m moving out in a month thank god, but you can’t do that. I don’t promote the idea of using nor hiding your problems. Having adhd for so long has taught me that facing any problem directly is so self for filling and a huge learning experience. So thats a +1 instead of the usual -2 for treating a problem with directly instead of indirectly with drugs games etc..

Has anyone considered World of Warcraft a drug addiction yet? Crack?