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Re: alleged “alternatives” for ADHD

Re: alleged “alternatives” for ADHD2010-08-12T19:41:29+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments alleged "alternatives" for ADHD Re: alleged “alternatives” for ADHD


Post count: 14413

Walt wrote regarding ‘sham’ treatments: “Neurofeedback, a course of therapy that has been shown to be of little use for ADHD.”

Have you taken a look at the PlayAttention system? There have been two studies released in the past year as to its effectiveness at building attention-based cognitive skills and reducing impulsivity. Plus, the feedback (pardon the pun) from users has been predominantly thumbs-up as to results. Their interface set-up is referred to as ‘Edufeedback’, but essentially it’s computer driven, interactive Neuro-biological Feedback.

“Neurofeedback” has been demonstrated in studies to have a neuroplastic effect, but it takes months of use.

T. Lavon Lawrence