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Re: Always thought I was too lazy to be ADD

Re: Always thought I was too lazy to be ADD2010-08-24T19:22:49+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Inattention/Distractibility/Focus Always thought I was too lazy to be ADD Re: Always thought I was too lazy to be ADD


Post count: 14413

I am 42 and got my diagnosis this year. I knew I had a learning disability in maths but needed to be tested to get some accommodations at school (yep I had gone back to school …. that English lit thing just wasn’t doing it for me. Y’know what they say “go to university and get an education ~ go to college and get a job). It never occurred to me that I could have ADD since I am able at times to concentrate so hard that I can block anything out and am always irked when someone pulls me out of that state (usually occurs when I am reading or watching tv). I’ve always been told that I “don’t live up to my potential” and if I would “just apply myself” and “stop daydreaming” things would come together for me. Anyway, on top of the diagnosis of dyscalculia I was also diagnosed with ADD, and I found out that ability to shut things out is “hyperconcentration” and is part of the pathology of ADD ….. I found it all rather interesting and annoying and freeing all at the same time.