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Re: Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers

Re: Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers2011-07-03T19:20:23+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Angry Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers Re: Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers


Post count: 445

L-C—You’re so right about kids. Knowing what ADHD/ADD did to my father, and later to me, then seeing those telltale symptoms present in one of my kids was like being hit by a train. Utter emotional devastation. At least he was diagnosed early and is on medication that has helped him tremendously. Fingers crossed.

And yeah, though I’m sure somebody is going to post that s/he is both ADD and a world-class poker player, my ten cents says one of those claims ain’t true!

BTW: I want you to know how much I have appreciated your comments over the past several months. I think when it comes to ADD, we’re pretty much on the same page. And I also appreciate the introduction to Russell Barkley on Youtube. While, at the end of the day, some of the research he cites may be proven dead wrong, his analysis of ADD/ADHD certainly rings true to me.

I don’t know that I’ll be posting much more here. I’ve said pretty much everything I have to say. I was thinking about doing a piece tomorrow (American Independence Day)—just for fun— on Dr. Barkley’s observation that ADD is (among other things) a “nearsightedness to time,” “a myopia of the impending future,” and compare that “executive dysfunction” to the American political system—a system that seems unable to act on important issues until crisis forces some course of action. But I may let that pass. In any event, the very best to you….