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Re: Anphetamine Salts (Adderal) causing High Blood Pressure

Re: Anphetamine Salts (Adderal) causing High Blood Pressure2011-12-20T05:58:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR Anphetamine Salts (Adderal) causing High Blood Pressure Re: Anphetamine Salts (Adderal) causing High Blood Pressure


Post count: 39

Im on 60mg of Adderall xr and it only gets me 8-9 hours of benefit.

My bp was high at first, and has dropped back down… About 6 weeks in. I do get really flushed once in a while, but thats about it. I did have issues sleeping, but that has gone away as well.

My dr monitored me weekly, then biweekly until i found the right dose and my bp went down. Not due back for another 3 months!